Welcome to the SOS Radio Prayer Square!
You can post prayer requests for your family, finances, health or personal challenges here!
We have thousands of SOS listeners who would love to spend some time in prayer for you today!
Just post your needs here or call 800.804.5452 to pray with our team over the phone!
First Name: Cristin
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Relationship
Your Prayer:
Right now.
I don't believe in anything and so I need some. I need some positiveness. I need someone to tell me it's goning be okay right now. My relationship is pretty much. I think done, but then I'm just wondering if there is any help out there for apartments of houses are placed to stay. I've been in a very unhealthy relationship but i stay because i can't afford the expenses. So I need some help in trying to move out and get a place that I can afford. I thought I'd ask for some guidance here. I feel as though God gave up on a long time ago!!
First Name: Eddie
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: He who hears.......
Your Prayer:
Prayer for ALL those i send scriptures to daily... May the illumination of the Holy Spirit manifest a newness of Christ Jesus within their hearts and minds... May Father God’s purposes be in the forefront of their hearts as they navigate their season of life..
In Jesus name, amen...
First Name: Anne
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Family and Finances in crisis
Your Prayer: Praying for my children that I would regain full custody of them, our financial situation to get better soon. Financial opportunities to get through. My soon to be ex-husband is withholding money and making our family suffer through this season. We have a court case for these issues, praying that we get favor with the judge and case is in our favor my children and I. To God be the glory!
First Name: Nicholas
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Court
Your Prayer: I need to prayer for my court case to be dismissed
First Name: Kay
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Unspoken
Your Prayer: Please pray unspoken.
First Name: Gary
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Savanah
Your Prayer: Savanah surgery went well, praying for quick recovery
First Name: Helen
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: My Children
Your Prayer:
My son Isaac 20, who is not walking with our Lord anymore, met a girl last year in Memphis Tenn. when he went to a "business trip" win non-believer father Mark, and now is planning a trip to see her and lie to me about it. She is a non-believer also, please pray that the Lord convict his heart for ling to his mom, and to speak the truth, salvation for the girl and salvation for his dad Mark. Traveling mercies and protection while he is there.
Thank you for your prayers.
First Name: Bernard
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Better health
Your Prayer:
Please pray for an improvement in my health....lowering of blood pressure and associated swelling of my ankles + improvement in mobility
Thank you in anticipation
First Name: Kathryn
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Need His healing power
Your Prayer: I am suffering from extreme anxiety. It wakes me up at night. It is out of control. I cannot see a psychiatrist until the 18th. Im asking for prayer that God will help me overcome anxiety and that He will give the dr the ability to heal me from anxiety. Thank you my friends. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
First Name: Troy
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Accepting a promotion
Your Prayer:
I have been offered a promotion at work and I am just praying for Jesus to direct my heart into the right decision. I want to make sure it is a good fit for me and my life. I desire it to be based on God’s leading and not any sort of worldly gain. If He is not in it, I simply don’t want to pursue it. I like my job and want to enjoy what I do. I don’t want to make a decision that will make me miserable in my work life, even though it is something that is a good opportunity and honest work.
Please and thanks.
First Name: Colleen
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: My son
Your Prayer: Please pray for my son, Joe. He has special needs and has been in a long-term residential facility for five weeks. He has brain-based differences, and he is going through a period in which his brain is "stuck." It is preventing him from engaging in therapy and the work he needs to do to come home. He is 14. Please pray for his body and brain to settle, to realize that he is safe and help him start to heal.
First Name: Leandra
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Prayer for mom and baby
Your Prayer: Good morning please help us pray for our family member Destiny and her unborn baby they have been diagnosed with Intrauterine growth restriction, the baby is not due until end of March however they will be delivering him on Monday. Please help us pray for healing for both of them.
First Name: Allan
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: for free income
Your Prayer: i'm a disabled American war veteran and i need help. Pray over my prayers in my life about suicidal ideation, experienced horror trauma and devastation in the world and to be delivered by the Lord as well as everyone else ....and for funds please....not kidding. thanx. God bless.
First Name: Caleb
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Caleb job in Dallas,Texas
Your Prayer: Please pray for Caleb job in Dallas, Texas
First Name: Joshua
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Be like Billy Graham
Your Prayer:
Pray Joshua and Jennifer take the gospel around the world get married in the next couple days
First Name: Robert
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Help us with go to attorney help our family with legal help.
Your Prayer: My mom and my family with the someone that they stole from my family and who was being fake caregiver sin and who the judge and attorney who can help us and our families so healing here in Pahrump Nevada and and please pray for us with anything that possibly powers of prayers and prayers help us and god bless you and thank you for your help praying and the court date is March 11th 2025.
First Name: Eddie
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Shawn
Your Prayer:
Crying out again to you oh lord for Shawn...please saturate him with your Holy Spirit so as to see clearly, the truth of Christ Jesus!
May his heart hear the voice of life that we have clearly above all else in life... please don't disqualify us from the race...thank you Lord, in Jesus name ,Amen
First Name: Cristin
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Loan
Your Prayer: Hello could you please help pray for me because I really need my loan approved because it's my last hope. Thank you..Amen
First Name: Cristin
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Transfer
Your Prayer: Please pray that the manager gets better so she can come back to work and work on my transfer to the new department .
First Name: Cristin
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Help
Your Prayer: Here is the situation, wellsfargo emailed me that they would be closing my account and then I panicked negate I knew I was going to get a deposit of$4000 and then because Wellsfargo blocked all deposits and cred coming to the account which was not told to me, I didn't receive the money and then the company who sent the money said they weren't going to work with me to send it to ambush account so then I lost out on that money and I tried fighting it over and over and then just gave up. They were going to refund the$1200, but because they didn't return the money in time my bank refused all the refund. Now this company said they can't help me. Please pray that they will change their mind or get some positive outcomes or of this situation because I readout needed that money. Thank you for listening!!!
First Name: Ilene
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Healing for granddaughter
Your Prayer:
My 13yr old granddaughter woke up a week ago with no vision in her right eye and was diagnosed with
optic neuritis after MRI and still no vision and parents were told 30% chance that could be precursor to Multiple Sclerosis. She had treatments of strong steroids through IV’s with Saturday March1st as her last steroid treatment.
She’s such a quiet sweet girl with a God given gift of artistic creativity. I have shared with her how the Lord has His Hands on her, holding her with His loving arms. She knows Him and I know this will be a way that will bring her dad to the Lord and her 8 yr old brother closer to Him. Her mom, my daughter knows the Lord and I pray she gets closer to Him too through this. My granddaughter has another MRI on Saturday, March 8th, to look for any lesions on her spinal cord . Please pray for her and all of us.
Her Grandpa, my husband went to be with the Lord on October 21, 2023 just 3 days after her birthday and broke her heart along with mine after 52 years of marriage... we all miss him dearly and today March 5th is his birthday and he would be 75... his second birthday spent in Heaven!
I know that one day I will join him there and what a celebration that will be! Tears still come every day after being with him and loving each other blessed by God with a close relationship that others could see and commented on even from strangers. We were truly blessed!
Please pray for me and our whole family through the trials. Thank you!
First Name: Kay
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Unspoken
Your Prayer: That it’s not too late for a prophecy.
First Name: Reyna
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: After over 20yrs at Caesar palace, I am getting laid-off
Your Prayer: Please pray for me as my place of employment is doing a massive lay off. I've worked there for over 20 years and now I am losing my job.. And not only that I started getting really sick last month so I keep going to the doctors and they keep running test, so it's not a good time for me to lose my job, I need my insurance. I know that, the more people pray for me the louder it is in heaven! Thank you
First Name: Elizabeth
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Overwhelming sadness
Your Prayer: i feel a dark, deep heaviness on my spirit. One of loneliness, heartache and despair. Like everything in my life is falling apart. A divorce that was never finalized, family life a mess, never ending debt, and constant loneliness. I just feel really, really sad and helpless. Hoping for a financial breakthrough. Peace with my kids. Healthy, loving relationship. I feel so unloveable and sad and alone. Like my whole world is falling apart.
First Name: Tim
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Prayer for My In-Laws
Your Prayer:
I am requesting Prayers for the following in-laws for the following Medical Conditions:
1) Aunt Badette V.: Pneumonia, Kidneys and for her to regain her strength.
2) Mother-in-law Ida T.: To regain her strength and for the people around her to care for her Medical Needs.
3) Aunt Elvira V.: To continue to cure her Tuberculosis and regain her strength.
4) Niece Joelle J.: To Cure or Manage her new diagnosed Guillain-Barr'e Syndrome (GBS).
Thank you so much in Advance SOS Staff and to my fellow SOS Radio Listeners. "To God Be the Glory", "Power of Prayer".
First Name: Tim
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Prayer for Healing for Me
Your Prayer: I am requesting Prayer for my current condition which is Left Side Frozen Shoulder which was diagnosed by the Emergency Room Physician when I went to the Veterans Affairs Hospital Last Thursday February 27th after injuring it. It is currently keeping me from working and providing for my family. Thank you so much to all the Staff at SOS and all my fellow SOS Listeners. To God be the Glory.
First Name: Judy
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Find another job
Your Prayer:
I want to start by saying thank you God for everything. I prayed for my son to turn around and he did. Thank you
I want to pray for a new job with a much better schedule and better management. I prayed to work at a different location but it wasn't what our God wanted for me. Please pray for me to find something that will work will work for me and I have faith in him. Amen
First Name: Michelle
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Immigration issues
Your Prayer: My husband is Canadian, I am American. We have experienced many delays and issues with immigration and are still waiting for him to be allowed to come to the U.S. to live with me. It causes stress on our relationship and finances, even as we try to trust His timing.
First Name: Debbie
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: A Friend Who is in Trouble
Your Prayer:
I met my friend who works in the healthcare business
Without going into too many details, she has a restraining order against her ex-husband who has threatened both her life and her children's.
She was able to find temporary shelter with another friend, but that shelter will no longer be available to her as of April 1st.
Pray that she will have enough money saved up to cover a safe deposit against the first and last month's rent.
Pray that she will be moved to surrender her life to Christ
First Name: Kelly
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Complete Healing .
Your Prayer: My husband Rich is having surgery tomorrow finally after 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital. He had a heart issue on 13 February and has been in the hospital since because his mental health deteriorated while there and he was running a fever so they couldn’t do the one procedure they had to do until he cleared up. But now he’s waiting for a second procedure. The main thing is his mental state is not good for the very first time and we are very nervous about that. Please pray for him and for God to complete and perfect will in his life. God did not bring us this far to have him leave me like this. Thank you so much.
First Name: LJA
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Intercession
Your Prayer: Please lift up Roger, a friend of mine in OH, who is having pain in his brain. I'll get back with you when he is diagnosed. Thank you all!
First Name: Sarah
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: My kids dad
Your Prayer: Asking for prayer for my relationship with my ex. We've been divorced for 5 years now. Just when I think we are getting to good place in our relationship together for the kids. We end up in a heated argument. He truly hates me because he's a seen more than not in kids life's a I encourage kids to tell him how he effects them. His girlfriend is insecure and they both make excuse why they cannot come visit our kids. Both drugs addicts as well, and he's facing prison time possibly. I prayed he fully surrender to go and comes to the end of himself.
First Name: Sarah
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Health issues
Your Prayer: Prayers for Aunt Donna Mae. She's having some female issues over the past few yrs and her kidney function is 3 percent. She has a big heart. Praying the Doctor gets her on track for dialysis or whatever she needs to get better. Amen
First Name: Julian
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Mental Health
Your Prayer: Dear GOD, I pray that you will get rid of my addiction and take it away forever. I don’t want to depend on it for happiness or energy. I pray that you will help me stop taking pills for my mental health. I pray that you will get rid of my PTSD, my Anxiety, my Panic Disorder, and my Psychosis forever. I pray that you will help me forget about being robbed at night so I can sleep peacefully at night. I pray that you will give me the motivation to work and get up everyday with a smile. Amen.
First Name: Julian
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Get close to my brother again
Your Prayer: Dear GOD, I pray that you watch over me and my family. I pray that you will make me and my brother close together again. I pray that you will make us both happy. I pray that we will hopefully start talking to each other again. I pray to take all the negativity away from us. I pray that you will keep the devil and what ever else is following us. Please make us pure again. I really love my brother. I pray that he will want to come see me again. I pray that I can go see him without feeling scared or emotional. Amen.
First Name: Julian
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Mental health
Your Prayer: Dear GOD, I pray that you get rid of the voices I hear in my head everyday. I just want to be normal again. I want a miracle to happen I want to be happy with less anxiety. I want to have a good night sleep without thinking about anything without voices talking to me. I pray that you can make me feel happy and not scared. I pray that you take my addiction away from me forever. I pray that you make me happy and that you can make me pure again. I pray that you watch over me each and everyday. I pray that you will give me the strength and energy to work hard again in life.
First Name: Valerie
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: My back and knee
Your Prayer: I Pray in the name of Jesus he heals my back and my right knee. Thank You Jesus
First Name: Rene
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Fighting depression
Your Prayer: I am asking for prayers for my sister and her husband. They are going through a really hard time physically and mentally. My sister had hip replacement surgery to better her quality of life, and the healing process is taking longer than expected. Depression is hitting hard. Her husband was in a car accident and hurt his back pretty bad, and now he's out of work. I am asking for prayers for strength and faith to fight the depression in their home. Please God put your arms around this beautiful family and give them some peace. Thank you.
First Name: LJA
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Intercession
Your Prayer: Please add this family to your prayers. John,Alice, Spikey,TJ and special request for Tannis, who was in recession from breast cancer for the past for years, was just told that she has a new lump that needs checked. The other four family members all have life threatening illnesses as well. Thank you for this ministry!
First Name: Flow
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: LMSW Exam
Your Prayer: Please pray and continue to be in prayer with me as I prepare to sit for my social work board exam in 9 days! I pray that God give me understanding and wisdom. Fear is a liar!
First Name: Derrk
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Symptoms continue
Your Prayer: I ran out of medication yesterday and I have no money to replace it. Please pray.
First Name: Tanya
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Alicia heart
Your Prayer: My 3 year old granddaughter is in the hospital waiting for an ultrasound of her heart this morning. Please pray for her heart to be okay so the doctors can rule out Kawasaki disease and for God, the ultimate healer, to touch her and help her sickness go away.
First Name: Teresa
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: ~Help for my Husband~
Your Prayer:
Dear SOS family,
I’m in need of prayer for my husband. I believe he has a drinking problem to cope with stress…which only makes it worse. And it’s put such a strain on our relationship. I pray for him everyday in hopes he will find the Lord and inner peace.
Please lift him up in prayer…thank you
First Name: Caleb
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Caleb job
Your Prayer: Please pray for Caleb to receive a job
First Name: KJV
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Letter delivery
Your Prayer: important letter covered by Jesus blood, not misdirected, stolen, or delayed gets to destination by USPS
First Name: Eddie
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Overflow
Your Prayer: Please oh Father God, allow my life to be continually filled with the truth of the spiritual life! The strength to endure the road, sharing with all others as you see fit to accomplish within them, for all those who seek after your love and faithfulness...please don't disqualify us from the race! Amen
First Name: Michelle
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Prayers For My Sister and Nieces and Nephews
Your Prayer: Please Pray For My Sister Name Tiffany and Deliver Her From Depression Please Pray That God Can Save Her and Change Her Life Please Bless Her With A Job A Car and A Nice House and Please Pray For My Nieces and Nephews That God Can Save Them and Change Their Life Thank You In Jesus Name Amen
First Name: Cindy
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: My father's health
Your Prayer:
Abba, Father...
I pray that you heal my earthly father from whatever mysterious ailment he has recently fallen under. He has been your faithful servant & I believe in miracles. Clean the illness from his body & make him whole & new again. He sees the specialist tomorrow and I don't know if there will be answers but I know YOU are the answer, Lord. Please also give my mother comfort and peace during this time as she supports him. I ask these things in your Holy Name.
First Name: Sandy
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: I feel broken
Your Prayer: I’ve been fighting depression/anxiety for a few weeks and worsening health issues. I’m always happy and joyful. This is uncharted territory. I am a widow for 10 yrs. We were church planters. I love serving others. But I feel broken and I don’t know why. I don’t want to tell my children. I feel ashamed. Please pray. Thank you. GOD bless you.
First Name: Mariaa
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Healing for mother and son
Your Prayer: In need of prayers for my daughter and her son. My grandson is so rebellious and is out of control. He has runaway, getting in trouble with the wrong individuals and his well being is sad. He is hurtful to his mother and family. He is a minor in the streets and lost in the dark. Pray that the lord touches him and shows him light to the path that the lord wants for him. That the lord send him angels to my grandson and are able to speak and indeed help him. Pray for my daughter that the lord gives her strength and her faith stays strong and put her son in his arms. That he lifts thus burden from her and reconciliation and forgiveness for them both and the whole family. I pray in Jesus name. Amen
First Name: BLANCA
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Aaron
Your Prayer: My 5 year old nephew was recently diagnosed with a glioma brain tumor. He's on day 6 of radiation. Even though the drs indicate that there's no cure for his cancer, we are firm believers that our God is above all and will have the last word. My prayer request is for strength, for him and his family. Including his oldest brother, Tony who is now having to stay with a family member because his world has temporarily changed as well. Prayers for their faith and finances as well. May the Lord provide during this time. His parents are with him in Stanford for the next 6 weeks. I know the Lord will guide them and give them direction. Thank you!
First Name: Vivian
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: grandkids
Your Prayer: l pray for my grand children Zachary 20 and Maddie 16. They are having troubles adjusting to becoming adults. They work and are attending school, Maddie was caught drinking and smoking dope. Please pray for my adopted grandchildren to make the right choices.
First Name: Sandy
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Overwhelmed
Your Prayer:
Praying for my husband to be able to remember how to set up his I-pad for a Telehealth appt. for his Cognitive Assessment and may our insurance cover a specialized Pet Scan….. AND may his functioning be within normal range for his age once the results are in.
Am also concerned about what to do at his visit to renew his license on Fri. And may he be cooperative there and with other day to day activities.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen
First Name: Derrick
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: for forgivness
Your Prayer: that the Lord forgives me and my parents
First Name: Sarah
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Surgery
Your Prayer:
I am asking for prayers for Dorothy tomorrow. She's having a heart Valve replacement and stent put in her for a blockage. Prayers for speedy recovery and smooth surgery with no complications. Thank you
First Name: Julie
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: God's powerful healing hand
Your Prayer: Please pray for God's powerful healing hand on my mom Judy and his strength to help us through. Thank you so very much
First Name: Senior
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Weary soles and tired soul
Your Prayer: The hunger, cold, and wet are too much. The misery in those I run into daily overwhelms me. The injustice is astounding. It has gone on so long. To live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21), but some of us need rest while in ministry. Please pray.
First Name: Kathy
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Job
Your Prayer: Please pray God opens a door for full-time work with a good wage. I need to pay my bills. Thank you, Brothers and Sisters!
First Name: Salvador
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: In need of strong prayers
Your Prayer: Hello, I heard on the radio that I can request prayers. I’m genuinely in need of strong prayers to protect my personal life, my financial life, my career, my family and much more. It has not been easy and I’m struggling even emotionally. If anyone can pray for me I would truly appreciated. Thank you!
First Name: Janet
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: my boys
Your Prayer: Help my boys to know the peace of knowing God is in control !!!Life is stressful but worry and anxiety is a waste of energy. They both have a seen miracles through the years. To live daily in the peace is the goal..God is good and always wins..
First Name: LJA
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Intercession
Your Prayer:
Please lift up our friend John in Goldbeach OR for a knee surgery coming up. It will be the last one that he can have. He has had two of three surgeries already. We pray God's hands assisting the surgeon and a quick recovery for John.
Thank you!
First Name: Cristin
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Help
Your Prayer: I'm still new to this trying to believe in God. And I just started to give up. Because I really need help on my finances. And I just feel like he's not hearing my prayers. So I just really need this. Help to guide me through more and try to believe more but. I've been praying and I still have not gotten anything.And so I need to get guidance on what to do.And how to believe and when will my finances get better
First Name: Jasmine
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Clarity and guidance
Your Prayer: I work in a critical safety job for the government. I am the sole income provider for my family. I have worked for the federal government for 18 years and 6 years in the Navy prior. My job is being attacked everyday. I need guidance from our Heavenly Father and a hedge of protection for my family. My brain is spinning a million miles an hour and I need some peace and clarity. I am three years away from retirement and the more this goes on the further away my goal of retiring seems to be.
First Name: David
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Court case
Your Prayer: Prayer for court tomorrow and any upcoming case. That my lawyer can get charges dropped or knocked down to misdemeanors. Prayers for miracle and God's favor in this entire case.
First Name: Tanya
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Please Pray for Mom
Your Prayer: Please lift up my mother, Kathy, who was recently diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis/Usual Interstitial Pneumonia. They were planning on sending her to California for a lung transplant soon, and still may, but she was just intubated an hour ago. Please pray for her body to hold on until medications and/or transplant lets her come back home to live out the rest of her days. I can’t stand to think of her dying anywhere else. God, please and thank you, hear our prayers.
First Name: Kelly
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: I'm so sick and don't know what's going on
Your Prayer: I have been sick for months now, My liver and kidneys are not doing good and I have been on antibiotics for an infection for 3 weeks now. All I can do is basically sleep. For the last 5 days I haven't been able to hold any food down. Please pray for a miraculous healing in my body, I really really need your prayers. Thank you and God Bless!
First Name: Barbara
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: My Husband Has Cancer
Your Prayer: Please pray that the cancer medicine that they are giving my husband will work. The medicine they are giving him has no name! Mark had cancer 14 years ago and they over did the chemo and radiation so he can't have it ever again so he's testing a cancer medicine that has never been used on a human being before. Please pray that it will work! He's had the cancer for 2 years now! Thank you God! In Jesus name Amen
First Name: Destinii
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Deliverance
Your Prayer:
i don’t know.. waht to do or how to do it but.. i know there is power in prayer so i wanted to reach out. i need deliverance, from these chains that weigh me down. i’ve been trying to fully surrender myself to Jesus but i realized i think i need deliverance first? idk but i’m sick and tired of being sick and tired and have been wanting to live for Jesus alone for… a long time now but.. i’m struggling. break these chains of addiction and mental health struggles Lord. let me be a good and faithful servant and be pleasing in Your eyes. please keep me in your prayers.. thank you. and thank You Jesus. i love you!!
let me fully surrender and love and live for You..
First Name: Caleb
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Caleb job Texas
Your Prayer: Please pray for Caleb to get job in Dallas,Texas comparable with his college schedule so he can pay all of his bills
First Name: David
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Court case
Your Prayer: Prayers that My Kids Dad David doesn't go to prison for 30+ years. He thinks he's being wrongfully accused. I pray God lets the truth come to light. He finds complete favor with judge and lawyer on Monday 24th and future court dates.
First Name: Georgia
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Estrangement of my youngest daughter
Your Prayer:
I and my oldest daughter have been estranged from my youngest daughter who is 38. We have tried repeatedly to reconcile with her, but so far have been unsucessful. Please pray that we will be able to reconcile. I am 72 years old and don't want something to happen to me before we reconcile.
Thank you so much
First Name: Bernard
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Personal finances
Your Prayer: Please continue to pray that my present financial situation will improve rapidly as there is much I want to do for the Lord in the coming season of Lent in this Holy/ Jubilee Year. Thank you
First Name: Leilani
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Healing
Your Prayer:
Please continue to pray for Tony. His wife my mom passed January 10th. Please pray for healing and protection for his mind.
Thank you
First Name: Frederick
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Finding a place for Talent
Your Prayer: I need help from moving on from a job where I barely make enough to support myself. Everyone's telling me I should look for a radio job or voice acting since I calm and make people happy with it. I believe God's gift to me isn't being fully utilized and need help finding his intention for it.
First Name: JoJeannine
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Kidney repair
Your Prayer: That my kidneys will start working better so I can stay off dialysis. I need a miracle and that’s what my Jesus can do. Thank you for any and all prayers
First Name: Derrick
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: health and happiness and love and passion and fulfillment and wellness
Your Prayer: for healing and miracles and conscious intentions up to the Universe for myself, my aquaintances and many others...
First Name: Lesther
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Personal
Your Prayer: I’m genuinely asking for prayers over my relationship, personal life since I’ve been feeling extremely overwhelmed, tired and not motivated. Any prayers would gladly appreciated. Thank you.
First Name: Judy
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Losing hope
Your Prayer: Today I received some difficult news. I have been praying to change my job and other things, but the more I pray, the more my prayers are never answered. I don't know what to do anymore. Please pray for my faith to be restored and at least the Lord start answering my prayers.
First Name: Sarah
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: David Folden
Your Prayer: I am asking for prayer my children's father David. He is in jail for apparent robbery vandalism and something else. The story doesn't make any sense why he got pulled over led to him in jail. Prayers God give him complete favor for court on the 24th. He gets his act together for good. Thank u
First Name: Ruth
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Mom with ALS
Your Prayer: I posted a prayer on here a couple minutes ago but I forgot to mention besides my mom being in the hospital and being on a ventilator and them diagnosing her with ALS she has gotten pneumonia twice this is the second time since she's been here since last Monday we're praying God's discernment with the doctors we're praying God's healing over her lungs that the pneumonia clears completely up and that complete healing over her whole body that a miracle is shown and it surprises these doctors and the nursing staff that a miracle happened because miracles happen every day. God saved my dad three times he had an aneurysm and twice he walked on to 270 volts of electricity and he was held and saved in Jesus name nothing is impossible with God
First Name: Ruth
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Mom diagnosed with ALS in hospital
Your Prayer: My mom is in the hospital has been since last Monday we called 911 cause she wasn't really breathing and then when she got here they diagnosed her with ALS because the last couple months she's been losing lots of weight and loss of appetite. So they had to put a ventilator in her throat and they say that ALS is a terminal illness we have till this next Monday on the 24th to take off the ventilator. So we are praying Divine healing that she breathes on her own and her lungs get healthy and strong and that that diagnosis of ALS will be gone in the name of Jesus we are rebuking it and we speak life into her. So we're praying that before then she gets off the ventilator because her lungs will be strong and she will be held in the name of Jesus.
First Name: jennifer
Type of Prayer: Family
Your Prayer: Please pray for my brother Jonathan's salvation. He's baptized but he walked away years ago. Mom & Dad raised us in church. The Lord promises "train up a child in the way he should go & when he is old he will return to it."
First Name: Anonymous
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Defending Women
Your Prayer: Please pray for the women faculty members of the Pakistani universities who had been working with University of Utah to strengthen the higher education system in their country but had their work ended by the pause in US foreign assistance. We ask our Heavenly Father protect them and make a way for them to resume their work to reach the most marginalized youth and use education to make their country and ours more peaceful and prosperous.
First Name: Rachel
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Healing Strength and Protection
Your Prayer: Asking for prayers for my sister, my mom, and me. Thank you for your praying.
First Name: Denise
Type of Prayer: Health
Your Prayer: Father God … I humbly come before you this morning asking You to graciously place Your healing hands on our sister in Christ Valerie in her time of crisis. Lord she needs the healing that only You can provide. Please stay with her as she travels through the darkness of cancer, showing her that Your light will never leave her and she will be emerge from this time victorious. In the sweet name of Jesus, my Lord and my Savior, I pray this today and every day until Valerie is healed and healthy once again.
First Name: Sarah
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Friend
Your Prayer:
Good evening,
I am asking for prayer for my friend Fabian from Minnesota. He has a history of heart issues and heart attacks. He recently went to hospital this past week for heart attack. They put a stent because he had a blockage. The doctors out him on strict orders until Friday his hearts working at 7% and they would like it to work at 10-12%. We just life him up for healing in Jesus mighty name. Thank you
First Name: Amanda
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: My mama can barely walk. Shes in so much pain.
Your Prayer: Please pray for my mama Genia, she’s been having severe pain in her left knee and it’s causing her to not be able to walk, it’s causing depression and I can see her faith declining. We don’t know yet what this pain is from but I’m really hoping it isn’t a blood clot. I appreciate any prayers for her. God bless you all.
First Name: Hb
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Marriage
Your Prayer: I pray for my marriage to the woman I love will overcome the many challenges associated with amazing kids, not enough time in the day, and my lack of communication.
First Name: Anonymous
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Winter weather southern USA
Your Prayer: snow plow drivers, 1st responders, road maintenance crews, electric linemen ps 91 armor, against accidents, electric outages, etc. Father With the recent events in extreme weather affected communities and nation, we are reminded how critical aid workers are. These brave aid workers risk their lives every time they show up for work. Keep our aid workers safe. Father, we pray your strength, help and restorative power on aid workers and their families as they go about the huge task of restoring our nation following extreme weather. May aid workers do their work in safety and determination.
First Name: Bernard
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Personal finances
Your Prayer: Please pray earnestly that my personal finances may improve quickly as there is much I would like to do for the Lord in the coming Season of Lent and throughout this Jubilee Year.
First Name: Anon
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Needs Prayer
Your Prayer:
Please pray for Chris. He is in California for cancer treatments.
Pray for his wife as well. She has to be in Las Vegas for work.
First Name: Tom
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Prayer for healing
Your Prayer: Pray for Geno. He was put in hospital with bronchitis and they don't think he will survive, hospice has been contacted please pray for healing and God's comfort for family
First Name: Dana
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: For Alexandra and mother
Your Prayer: Praying that God would intervene regarding their business..Make right what was wrongfully done.Give them peace.Turn to Jesus for help and may he bring people their way that can bless them. Also for mothers. health issues to be controlled
First Name: Dana
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Rick
Your Prayer: For Rick to have a successful cardiac test tomorrow because he needs a valve replacement.peace for him and his wife.may your Holy Spirit be so evident in the hospital room.In Jesus mighty name.Amen
First Name: Daniel
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Daughter Jaime
Your Prayer:
Hello SOS Family
I am in need of some prayer for my daughter Jamie, who lives in Connecticut. She is going for major brain surgery tomorrow to repair an aneurysm. They gave her a 50-50 chance of making it out of the surgery alive. She also wants me to take guardianship over her youngest son Jason if she doesn’t make it through it but yet it is not in any type of will. It’s just written down that that’s what she wants. I try to tell her it needs to be put in a will. Please continue to pray for her as I will keep you updated when I hear more information about how the surgery went.
First Name: Stephen
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Help me Jesus
Your Prayer: Please pray Jesus will grant a breakthrough to this eight year storm like Jabez that he will expand my borders his hand will be on me and I will cause no more pain!!!!!!!
First Name: LJA
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Intercession
Your Prayer:
Please add our nephews and niece's in Ohio who are going through grief & loss for a dear Aunt Louise.
Also, Linda & John in OH have the flu.
EJ needs healing of the ears.
Jeremy will be having surgery to remove tumor in one ear.
Donna & Joe each need healing.
Arielle needs prayer for her anxiety attacks.
E&L's marriage issues.
Thank you all for your prayers!
First Name: Angela
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Surgery
Your Prayer: Just pray God is with my mom tomorrow and the next day through her surgery. Pray for healing please
First Name: Lynn
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Divine intervention
Your Prayer: Praying the blood of Jesus, Gods protection, divine intervention, justice & breakthroughs upon Leland. Praying the fiery darts of the enemy & Everything not of God is removed from his life.Praying he is surrounded by Godly friends/mentors to encourage him. Praying Leland will fully surrender his all to God for a divine turnaround in his life & the favor & Will of God is upon him.
First Name: Lewis
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Steady job with good pay
Your Prayer: Please pray for me to get a steady local trucking job. I want to get off from long distance trucking be home more often enjoy work life balance am always gone working with mechanical breakdowns low paying freight and always broke. I pray that God blesses me with a good year around steady job with decent pay and health benefits. I also pray that this job has no internal work politics so that I may be accepted and recognized for my hard work and diligence. Pray so that God blesses the work of my hands and bless every penny I make so that I may be able to be up to date with my child support and bills, never lack a place to sleep and food to eat. I also ask for a prayer to have financial break through so that I can get out of debt thus boosting my credit score and make life easier. I pray in deep faith believing and trusting in the name of the son, the father and the holy spirit. AMEN
First Name: Renee
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Healing for Sherry
Your Prayer: Please pray for my daughter Sherry(42) mother of 3. She is in the hospital with pneumonia in both lungs. She had a kidney stone that was too large to pass. Had a procedure for that. While in the hospital she caught norovirus. That lasted until Wednesday. Thursday she started experiencing respiratory issues. She was worse this morning and went to the ER because she was having difficulty breathing. Her oxygen is low. She has had multiple brain surges over the last 4 years. She is very fragile. Thank you in advance for standing with me in prayer for her healing.
First Name: CIS
Type of Prayer: Employment
Prayer Title: Breakthroughs and Deliverance
Your Prayer:
Praying in Jesus Name that CS my son in law is delivered right now from:
Getting fired
Financial attacks
Perversion (phone and at work)
Blocked transportation
No car
No drivers license
Lord please restore and renew this man and his life and marriage etc now
In Jesus Name Amen.
God renew his heart and mind and put a right spirit in him, no weapon formed against him nor his wife shall prosper,
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Lord have mercy!
First Name: Miles
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: For strength in marriage
Your Prayer: My wife and I are having troubles in our marriage. Please pray and lift up our marriage. Thank you so much.
First Name: Kay
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Weather
Your Prayer: Weather will cause trouble on the farm because it’s predicted snow and extreme cold. They/we are only breaking even as it is.
First Name: Bernard
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Better health
Your Prayer:
Please pray that my general health will improve in the remainder of this month
Thank you
First Name: Maria
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Healing for family
Your Prayer: In need of prayers for my family. My grandson is beyond rebellious and continues to hurt his mother and his family. He suffers from mental health and is a runaway. He keeps bad influence with people who are not helping him and is spiraling out of control. Prayers that the lord has mercy and shows him the way of the path that the lord choose for him. We love him so much but we need him to reconcile with himself and the lord. In the name of Jesus I pray with all my heart for healing for this family. Amen
First Name: Dana
Type of Prayer: Health
Prayer Title: Erika
Your Prayer: She has just been diagnosed with leukemia, bone marrow study tomorrow, praying for peace and a good report
First Name: Bertha
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Please help me from eviction
Your Prayer: Please help support me in these difficult times I don’t want to be out of a home. I have til the 28th of this month. Please me Jesus and sos family I’ll keep praying I’m never gonna lose my faith !
First Name: Stephen
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Help me Jesus
Your Prayer: Please pray Jesus will grant the breakthrough to this eight year storm I'm now living in my car in a parking lot with a snapped infected root canal zero insurance and very little money while rehabbing a spinal injury!!! Really important broken heart been praying for eight years that God has a beautiful wife for me it's not good for a man to be alone and God promised to put the lonely in families plus God promised in Isaiah 54 a full reversal with spiritual and financial blessing!!!!!!! Thank you for your prayers!!!
First Name: Dawn
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Crisis
Your Prayer: My house is at crisis please pray I don't lose my house and I've been threatened to be homeless please pray for my pet mouses people are very cruelness and killing them my mom is my conservator please she will fight for me to keep my house that she would stay by my side edible times of trouble
First Name: Neighbor
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Neighborhoods
Your Prayer: Please pray for peace, protection, improvement, clean-up and God's merciful blessings for our neighborhoods of Holland and Wheatsheaf. Asking this request in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying and God Bless all of you.
First Name: Bernard
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Personal finances
Your Prayer:
Please pray that I may receive some help with my personal finances in the coming days.
Thank you
First Name: D_johnson
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Weather causing hunger, medical problems
Your Prayer: Weather stranded the person who was going to give me the money for food, medicine, etc. I'm completely out, and it looks like they might not be able to help tomorrow either. I may be stranded myself hungry and without my medication. Please pray.
First Name: Derrick
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: intercessory prayer
Your Prayer: pray over my prayers in my life up to the Lord. I'm doing the same for the whole creation past present and future til Judgement Day. thanx. God bless.
First Name: Frankie
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Salvation
Your Prayer: Bruce, Eli, Hannah, Nick, Echo, Brian, Peter, Sheila, Tom, Ken, Mark To Received Salvation and Water Baptism in Jesus Name.
First Name: Brittany
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Pray for finances
Your Prayer: Me and my husband got saved 2 years ago and we have changed our lives for Christ, Please pray our construction company can be successful again, please pray we can get jobs soon, please pray we won't loose our house, pray our vehicles won't get repossessed, please pray the camper that was repossessed bless that the insurance will do the insurance claim the bank promised they would provide and make it a total loss due to vandalism, please pray we will be able to sell our house and buy a new house with equity before any leins are placed on it, please bless we won't have to file bankruptcy, bless we can settle all our debts
First Name: Justme
Type of Prayer: Church
Prayer Title: Prayers for our dying church and community
Your Prayer:
We need a lot of prayers. Our church has diminished in attendance significantly. The demographics is 85% over the age of 70. The other 15% are between the ages of 50 and 65. We have no young adults, no children. Most importantly we have no pastor yet.
Please pray for our little church and that we receive a pastor who is fun, and welcoming. Someone who loves doing community outreach to draw the people back to us. Someone who is not afraid of making necessary changes, and possibly upsetting those who are set in their ways.
If nothing changes, our church will not exist in the next 10 years.
First Name: Jenny
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Missing Teen
Your Prayer:
Nevaeh, age 18, is from LV, and was living in Texas. She went missing Sunday night in the Fallas area after an altercation with her boyfriend. Her phone got left behind and she didn't make it home
Please pray for her safe returns, and for her family who faithfully serve in ministry here in the Vegas valley.
First Name: Pam
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: In Desperate Financial Need
Your Prayer:
Lord, I have been praying and calling your name for the last 4 months with tears in my eyes. I know you are working on my financial situation and when it will be resolved. I have been desperately following up with my unemployment paperwork for the last 3 months. I have not heard or received any funding and it is hurting me to come up with money to pay rent, utilities, my car payments, insurance, food and gas. I have been applying for so many positions only to not be selected. Please help me dear Lord and bless me with the finances I need today to keep me afloat. My wallet is empty and I hav $10 in my account and have been in this situation for 4 months. You know I believe in you and you have always been there for me in the past under different circumstances. If there are any obstacles in my way of receiving finances or getting a job, please destroy them. I am asking for your assistance to my prayers and to bless me with abundance. I am all alone and this burden is heavy on my shoulder. I can’t do this alone without you.
Please hear my prayers in Jesus name, Amen.
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: Remove obstacles from my journey
Your Prayer: I am asking for prayers. To break every bandage in my life and mind. And remove every obstacle that is preventing me to be the woman I was meant to be. Make my heart new. That all resentment, bitterness, and anger vanish from my heart. Give me peace and and the willingness to enjoy life again. And most of all the strength to forgive my husband Jesus for abandoning me and for all the cruel things that he has said to me. Heal his heart, body and soul. I'm sorry Heavenly Father but I don't want him back in my life. And I don't want any negative feelings or energy holding me back from moving forward. I ask that one day you will send me, the man who will love me, respect and protect me.
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Divine intervention
Your Prayer:
I would like to ask for the restoration of my family. My son Ceaser, daughter Monique and myself became homeless since November of last year. For the time being Monique and I are staying with a friend temporarily. My son is sleeping in the streets with his dog. My son is also trying to get custody of his 5 month old son. Who was taken by CPS from the mother. I ask to pray for Monique and Ceaser for the strength to overcome drug and gambling addictions. And healing. We also need prayer for a place to live. Protection and guidance to get out of this pit we find ourselves in. And it seems I can't find the help.
Thanks God bless
First Name: Uke
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: urgent prayer request
Your Prayer: Please pray that the Lord Almighty will go before us, with us, and after us in immediately securing several legitimate, financially capable bulk buyers for our necklace with red box, buying at least 500 pieces each to pay for next month's utility bill. Also, please pray that I will have a new work from home job asap in Jesus mighty name Amen.
First Name: Carlos
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Griving of death in the family
Your Prayer: My Edmond and Jackson family has lost a father,and brother-in-law due to a cardiac arrest. January 25'th. Please pray for us
First Name: James
Type of Prayer: Personal
Prayer Title: need
Your Prayer: Please pray the Lord brings the right woman into my life to marry. I have had a lot of unusual things happen between me and a lady named Deanna. Pray GOD gives me revelation if she is the one and she shows real interest very soon. Pray the Lord makes this happen for me. I am very shy, timid person as well. Pray I overcome this and can pursue the right person for marriage soon..Pray I grow iin life and do the Lord will in life and ministry. Pray I do well at work and get along well with others, make friends. Pray the Lord blesses me and prospers me financially all all ways.
First Name: Lisa
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Thank You for the Prayers (followup)
Your Prayer: I am so thrilled to say that all your prayers were heard & answered. My sister made it through surgery. She is doing well & the dr believes she got all the cancer. A pathologist's report will verify that for sure. You are all so greatly appreciated for taking time to send prayers & I am very relieved God responded. Thank you Jesus. You are amazing & I love you!!!
First Name: Dan
Type of Prayer: Finances
Prayer Title: Prayer for Gods Provision to supply way to get my car fixed
Your Prayer: I have a major car issue even after spending and paying to keep my car in good running condition, But looking at having to repair issue inside motor but don't any funds available and have financed the last 3 major work done to the tune of over $4000 and I am a full time uber driver and making less money now but need to keep car workings, so I need to find a good mechanic to help me out and for God to supply the means of getting it paid for and the sooner the better as I need to be able to use my car with air conditioning!!! So asking for prayers and lifting up in this matter. Thank you, Dan
First Name: Lisa
Type of Prayer: Family
Prayer Title: Pray for My Sister & Her Family
Your Prayer: I ask for prayers for God's watchful eyes to oversee my sister, Terri & her husband, Randy. Terri was recently diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer and this morning she is having surgery. Even with all the technology today, the tests still have not been conclusive as to how much the cancer has spread. She had a few chemo treatments & will continue with more at some point following surgery. Thank you all for your prayers & support.
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